I’ll never homeschool or own a grain mill or a dog… never…ever.
In fact, about 5 years ago I said these words, “Over my dead body will I ever homeschool” and “I’ll never be one of ‘those’ people that own a grain mill” and Lord knows my friends heard me say for 10+ years that I’ll never own a dog. Um….
Let’s chat about what happened with The.Grain.Mill.
NEVER will I be one of ‘those people’. I pictured people in long denim skirts. No makeup. Nothing fashionable in their wardrobe. 6+ kids. Smiling all the time. House in order. Never eating a drop of junk food. Everything they eat they grow or raised themselves. Not having anything better to do with their time than bake from scratch…and, oh yes, they will be wearing Jesus sandals. no.thank.you.
You can see why I would steer clear of joining that club. Right?
My father-in-law is a generous man. A giving man. Every Christmas he’d ask what I’d like and I always responded with something I had REALLY wanted for my kitchen. There was always my kitchen wish list. i.love.to.cook…most of the time…except when I don’t feel like it. Now, mind you, I said “cook”, not “bake” so let me just make that crystal clear. Honestly though, as that particular Christmas rolled around I had nothing much on my wish list (shocking) that was even remotely an option…because sometime I dream BIG…I mean, it is a WISH list, right? Like that 6 burner Thermador range with the built in steaming oven, griddle, warming drawer, etc.
Dream with me for a moment…do you hear angels singing?
For the cost of this thing it should cook FOR ME and clean itself too, I might add. But let’s be realistic here. Generous father-in-law ain’t making that wish come true. (oh, that would also require remodeling 1/3 of the kitchen to accommodate it).
Ok, I am really getting off track on this dream stove. And if you want to read more about my dreamin’ read about my goat.
So… as I thought and thought about something I would use, often enough to justify, I wasn’t coming up with anything I didn’t already have (tough problem, hugh?)… and then I heard this voice, like a horrifying voice or sound like nails on a chalkboard and it said, “grain mill”. Come again? You mean like mill my own flours instead of just buy it off the shelf at Whole Foods? Yep… exactly. I let the idea sink in and marinade. I started reading and researching as to what this little kitchen companion could do for me.
I then was drawn in to the added nutritional value of milling my own grains…not to mention the flavor from the fresh grains. I mean, I go through A LOT of brown rice flour. We are a gluten free home and it’s my go to flour. I still didn’t consider myself a ‘baker’… I was only baking out of necessity at the time (you can read about that in my gluten free adventure blog post…coming soon).
So, the idea grew… and grew…and grew on me. Was I REALLY considering joining “that” club of “those people”?
I researched the cost of buying the bulk/organic/non-GMO grains and did a cost comparison and, WOW… not just less expensive… but MUCH.CHEAPER. Now you are really grabbing my attention, Mrs. Grain Mill. And of course I had the added bonus that the mill would be gifted to me so I would not have to recoup my costs on the purchase.
And so… I ate those words…literally…those very words….”I will never own a grain mill”.
Btw..incase you are wondering which one I bought. The Wonder Mill. It is a work horse. And if it has peaked your interest, click this link to see a list of what you can grind in it.
It is now three years later and it is my trusted kitchen companion. In fact if I had to choose my most beloved kitchen appliances, it would be near the top of my list. I use it a lot. And I have BECOME a baker. In fact if we run out of certain GF items in our freezer stash it can be an all out freak attack by said children. “what…no waffle sticks”, “mom my chocolate chip muffins are gone”, “why didn’t you thaw out one of the crumb cakes for Christmas”, “where did all the bagels go”, “there is only 1 cinnamon roll left, how soon are you making more”. They act like there is nothing.to.eat. if the baked good are not consistently replenished. They love them. They..and.many.others. think I should sell these baked goods. I’ll NEVER do that (giggle…giggle)……
Look how beautiful those fresh milled grains are!!!
Let me leave you with this. Another thing I said I would NEVER do is to MOVE again…no other house. You see, we have a graveyard behind our house (they are very quiet neighbors), so you get my point… like, pitch me over the fence when it’s “my time”…I’m not leaving this house…until… that particular time has come. i.love.our.house. OH GOODNESS… BUT THERE IS AN ‘ITCH’ I can’t seem to get rid of….the itch for the green pasture…the pecking chickens…the huge wrap around porch…there is a yearning in my soul.
What is something YOU said you would NEVER DO or buy or join….that, well, you ARE doing…and loving?
I have been sourdough baking and I only use organic flour. During this pandemic this has not the easiest thing to do. Like everything else, there is a run on the organic flour! So I turned to Etsy and got me some fresh milled flour which cost me an arm and a leg. But it got me thinking, how much is it just to buy the grains and milk it myself? I mean, if I’m willing to make my own wild yeast and breads for my family what’s grinding my own grain to do it in the big scheme of things, right?
More nutrition, fresher product and yes cheaper?!
The. I remembered you had already taken the plunge! So happy to have been able to go back and read your article!