Every journey has a beginning and my Essential oil one was a bumpy start!
How did I get started? Let’s just say that it has been a ‘process’ and quite a learning curve and I wish I could have a re-do. (I’d like a re-do for many things in my life but let’s stick to the oils for now, shall we!)
I’m not proud… but I am just going to be honest…please don’t judge me… give me a second chance.
You see… about 6 years ago a friend shared with me about using oregano oil for its medicinal benefits. My kids had sore throats. I went to a natural grocery store and grabbed some off the shelf. It said “pure” on the label so I ‘thought’ it was, wouldn’t you? I did no research, I just came home and told them to open wide and put a drop down each of their throats. They yelled at how bad it was burning and I was like “yep.. that means it’s working” … right?
Um… NO MOTHER OF THE YEAR AWARD! No way they were going to tell me the next time their throat had that “coming down with something” feeling.
I had also grabbed a bottle of “pure” lavender that same day and was diffusing it. It smelled ‘ok’ …kind of “perfumey” but didn’t quite promote the relaxed environment I was anticipating, it made me a bit more wired and it was more reminiscent of bathroom air freshener. But I just figured it was what it was and didn’t think about it much after that.
Let me take a quick side trip here. I would at that point consider our home 75% organic and chemical free. We still had those good ol’ favorite things that none of us really wanted to part with and quite frankly didn’t have the education yet to know what next steps to take but I was ‘open’ and moving in the right direction. I had my reusable grocery bags, most of my cleaners that stated they were “green”, sulfate free shampoos & soaps, no high fructose corn syrup, cooking a good bit from scratch, etc. We weren’t in bad shape but we had a lot of room for improvement…don’t we all.
About 2 years later, I was spending quite a bit of time with a gal from church. One afternoon when we were together we were chatting and the topic of oils came up (I knew she used them) and I chuckled and cringed inside at the same time and made a comment of some sort. She of course asked what I meant so I shared my less than stellar “mommy oregano moment” and her eyes got big and I think she even GASPED as she searched for the right words. She tried to politely inquire about my choice of oils and usage. With my head down and tail between my legs, I said, “yes, that’s what I did with it?” and she said, “don’t you know you have to dilute it? It’s a “HOT” oil… “a what?”, I asked… she repeats “a hot oil, which means it can’t be used without dilution and that oil is surely synthetic. I confidently told her that MY.BOTTLE.SAID.PURE.
Let the education process begin
I slowly started trying the brand of oils she was using. Just the smell of the oils she had compared to what I had, quickly told me that I had the wool pulled over my eyes… my oils were a wolf in sheep’s clothing with that “pure & organic” label. I learned about how unregulated the essential oil industry was and how the word “pure” on a bottle really only meant it had to have a certain amount of “pure” oil in it and the percentage was LOW. very.very.low.
I learned about:
- The different grades of essential oils
- Oils sourced from plants grown indigenously
- The rigorous 3rd party testing
- The support & education that was available to me
- The ability to purchase the oils wholesale with no.strings.attached
- How powerful the oils were and which ones/how to dilute them
- How to make my own cleaners
- And the list goes on and on
I QUICKLY became thirsty for all the info I could get my hands on. I became an oil nerd with my oil textbook finding myself amazed at the chemical constituents of the oils and how vast the usage a single oil can hold. I was spending hours upon hours with my face in a book or online soaking it all in.
As I received proper education, the list of what we were using them for grew quickly (and so did my collection) and with each success…each new discovery… I knew that I would never.EVER.look.back. Here are a few things our family started using the oils for.
- Soothing seasonal threats
- Promoting clear skin
- Easing digestive discomfort
- Supporting the immune system
- Cleaning the house
- Personal hygiene
- Steering clear of bugs
- Replacing dryer sheets
- Promoting restful sleep
- Helping with focus and staying on task
- Relieving minor pain from non-disease sources such as post exercise aches
- Easing tension in the head, neck and shoulders
- Assisting the body’s natural detoxifying process
- Supporting healthy cell function
- Maintaining feelings of clear airways
- Supporting oral health
- Soothing skin irritations
- Promoting a youthful complexion
- Reducing the appearance of blemishes
- Uplifting moods and calming emotions
- Emotional support
- Giving us an energy boost
- Gifts…gifts…gifts!
- And the list goes on and on and on and on.AND.ON.
To learn more about how I use them and what type I use, click here
I can’t fail to mention that there were a few life changing encounters with the oils that had me… hook…line…and…sinker… You can read about one experience during our son’s surgery recovery here.
Essential oils are potent.powerful.life changing gifts from this earth.
So, how does the story end? It never does… it just keeps getting better. I can’t even begin to describe how amazing it is to empower your family, friends and loved ones. To be teaching my children how to make natural choices at this age (currently mid-teens), as it will not only impact them, but future generations. Each of my kids have their own set of oils next to their beds, diluted especially for them in easy to use roller bottles. They know what to use and when to use it and if they don’t, they ask and they learn. I am not saying to do this with your 5 year old, (hear me loud and clear on that) but what I am saying is that it is NEVER too early to educate.
I’m so thankful for people investing in me, sharing their wisdom, pointing me to resources and supporting me so that I could in turn do the same for others. We’re all in this together….so, here is the moral of the story… GET EDUCATED…EMPOWER YOURSELF, understand how they work, why they work, which to use for what purposes, research different grades of oils, understand what to look for when choosing your source, etc.
I am EXTREMELY passionate about using these therapeutic grade essential oils. I.would.not.choose.ANY.OTHER.BRAND. I love the company, the impact it is making around the world and everything it stands for. I love that I can use them with confidence and that I am giving my family the very best. I love that the company is backed by doctors and scientists and that they are using them on their own families. I love that the “cabinet” in our house is full of natural items to support my families wellness. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t use the oils. I keep a set of my favorites in my purse, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, etc. they are always accessible…that is key… sitting on a shelf, gathering dust is a waste.
You can find out A LOT more about essential oils and the oils that I trust by heading over to this page.
Do me a favor…if you have tried oils the in the past and had a less than stellar experience, be open to learning about these oils… reach out to me…I’d love to share more of my journey with you. Use the get in touch form to chat with me!
*due to FDA regulations, brand names of oils are not to be shared in posts or comments
What’s the best oil for breathing and lungs, I find myself gasping for air in my sleep
Hi Shirley! Thank you for your message. I am so sorry to hear you are experiencing these symptoms! The most beneficial oil that I have found to maintain feelings of clear airways and promote feelings of easy breathing is by using a blend called BREATHE. https://www.doterra.com/US/en/blog/spotlight-doterra-breathe-respiratory-blend It can be applied diluted over the chest (the most common carrier oil to dilute with is fractioned coconut oil and I can walk you through how to do that… it’s quite simple) and can also be diffused and you can run the diffuser while you sleep as well as stand over the diffuser occassionally and take some nice deep breaths. Breathe is a fantastic starting point and does the trick for most. It also comes in a rub which is super simple to apply and does not require dilution if you prefer that method. Other oils to try if needed would be Eucalyptus or Cardamom or Frankincense. I can’t provide any medical advice so this would be based on what you feel most comfortable with taking any necessary factors in to consideration (ie medical history or RX’s, etc). If I can be of further assistance please feel free to respond here or email me at [email protected]. If you would like to provide your phone number when you email I am happy to give you a call if you are in the U.S. and answer any questions you might have and provide further resources. Have a great night! Blessings! Mandy